£60 + vat pm
Website Hosting
Host your website on our dedicated servers for constant access 24/7 to the world wide web. The servers are managed 24/7 to ensure no downtime and fast website performance.
Email Hosting
We will create up to 20 email addresses and manage them so you get as little spam as possible and help set your emails up on your PC, Mac or smart phone.
Google Analytics
We will integrate Google Analytics into your website to provide incredibly detailed statistics of the visitors on your site over the days, weeks and months. You can choose to have access yourself to the account or ask us to forward a report every quarter.
1 Hour maintenance and support per month
Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is constantly changing, with new updates being released, different trends, strategies etc. it’s evolving; this year…
A common misconception is the idea of content being written solely for SEO. In simpler terms, keyword research is market…
With businesses striving to rank high in Google’s results, the demand is equally as high to have a mobile-friendly website,…