Turbo-charging lead generation

Turbo-charging lead generation

You have managed to turbo-charge your way to the bottom of the funnel and the end is in sight. Your prospects are qualified, yet the question remains whether they are ready to convert to sale, or slip back into the funnel.

Turbo-charging your way to sales success is all about providing your prospects with the right offer as well as giving your sales team relevant information in order to effectively speed up and close the sale.

Below you can find a few do’s and don’ts to help you turbo-charge your bottom-of-the-funnel activity:


Provide your prospects with all of the necessary information they need to convert

This is a critical stage; valuable product guides and specification documents are where the real weight is and with 23% of buyers agreeing that useful technical info was the make or break in becoming a customer, there is no exception.

Ensure you are communicating with your ready-to-buy prospects in real-time

By visualising the perfect sales lead, it is easy to compare how strong a new opportunity is. It is a good idea to utilise any lead profiling or lead scoring so you will be able recognise the actions of every ready-to-buy prospect.

Track any post-sale site activity to make sure recent converts have all of the necessary information to keep returning to your services

Research has found that 57% of customers feel that companies are lacking information at initial client meetings.

To avoid adding to this statistic, schedule frequent catch-ups with your recent converts to ensure they have what they require and are gaining more than enough value from your services.

Build up a community of brand advocates

Cue the arrival of the purchase decision and another statistic of 67% of B2B buyers had heard of their selected supplier before. The next step is close the sale; prospects desire that reassurance and comfort they are doing the right thing, so ensure you encourage your clients to share their positive experiences on any social network platforms they have access to which will be adding to your business’ turbo-charged success.


Provide only written BOFU content

Product videos, customer testimonials and expert opinions each have a place for a sale conversion, specifically when 75% of top senior executives are viewing videos on business sites each week.

Think about training your sales team to use this BOFU content effectively by hosting regular training and catch-up sessions to view performance. Look at regularly sharing best practices for using different media formats effectively.

Over nurture prospects that are ready to buy

The effect of over-nurturing your prospects can turn sour. Once you are aware a prospect is about to convert, bring them into your retention activity.

By figuring out when your prospects are ready to convert, you can then proceed to be more proactive when preparing for contact from your prospects.

Get tangled in the wrong numbers

As technology continues to advance with new attribution and data currently available it is possible to get a little familiar with the numbers.

It’s worthy knowing how to work your way through the masses and dig up the worthwhile ones.

If you want to know who is visiting your website and their company information, to fill your sales pipeline with leads, click here for more information on Lead Forensic’s Software 

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Daniel Ricardo