The blog title is not entirely accurate, really you should think about each webpage as though it was the entry page (the very first page someone lands on). By doing this, you will hopefully put as much effort into every page as you do with your homepage. I felt the need to create this blog after recently researching websites for a client. I’ve used one example here but the majority of sites I come across are guilty of the same shortfalls.
The image below is what you see ‘above the fold’ when landing on the homepage. It’s a good looking design with well-thought-through imagery, font, call to actions and most importantly Unique Selling Points (Decision making content). The banner text clearly explains how they want to be perceived, which is a well established and national leader in their field.
However, the following image shows the actual entry page (the page ranking on Googles first page) if you search ‘Criminal Solicitors Birmingham’. You should now see the issue I have, there is absolutely no reason why anyone should invest any more time reading the content further down the page. Both the banner and the header states that they are criminal defence solicitors. I know they are criminal defence solicitors because that’s what I searched! I want to know why I should use their services and how they are different from their competitors.
99% of the pages on your site should have the following 3 essential elements:
- Consideration Content (why to buy your product or service)
- Decision Making Content (why to buy from you)
- Call To Action e.g Book/Buy Now
To summarise, because you don’t know at what stage of the buying process your website visitor is in, you need to provide content for both the Consideration and Decision stage.
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