Google Penguin 4.0 – What is it?

google 4.0 penguin update

After a long wait, and some algorithm fluctuations considered to be normal, Google’s Penguin 4.0 algorithm update was rolled out on Sept 23rd 2016.

Google’s previous update was in 2014. Penguin 3.0 may have only affected less than 1% of US/UK searches, but that calculates to 12 billion queries.

So what is Penguin 4.0? We’ll explain a little later, but first, let’s refresh our memory with what Google Penguin is:

Google first launched the Penguin update in 2012 to catch websites spamming the search results with manipulated links. Why are links important? Google wants to know how trustworthy your site is; they see links from other sites to yours (inbound or back-link) as a testimonial.

Penguin will track down links that are not organic: those bought or placed for the sole purpose of improving search rankings. Once Google had found bad links, they will then penalise your site and your rankings would start to drop. You would then have to go through the process of disavowing your links. Basically telling Google to ignore them as you didn’t put them there or admitting you realise they are spammy and don’t want anything to do with them anymore. However, a Penguin refresh was needed before seeing any signs of recovery – it was a lengthy process.

Now, due to Penguin 4.0, the time issue has been addressed:

Penguin is now real-time

As previously stated, the list of sites affected by Penguin 3.0 was only periodically refreshed.

Google stated: “Once a webmaster considerably improved their site and its presence on the internet, many of Google’s algorithms would take that into consideration very fast, but others, like Penguin, needed to be refreshed.

Now, however, Penguin 4.0 data is refreshed in real time meaning changes are made as soon as the affected page has been re-indexed.

Penguin is now more granular

Penguin 4.0 now devalues spam by altering the ranking of a page based on spam signals, rather than affecting the ranking of the whole website. So, any penalties will be given to that specific page rather than an entire domain.

Overall this means that link penalty issues are quicker to resolve and are more page specific.

If you have seen your rankings drop since the update then get in touch with our digital marketing agency!

Daniel Ricardo